
This is where I tell you 'orrible lot about the time I've had since the last update.
Hopefully there'll be lots of updates although my typing fingers won't like me!

I know I'm not talking here, but I'm about to! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UP TO 6 JULY 2000 - See, I was only resting
It's been a while, and to be honest, I wasn't expecting to speak to you again! Not
much has happened to me but I got the urge to redo the site. There was too
much old stuff on this site and I had a few new reviews to add. So I've chucked
the old site out and this is the results.

I've been to Glastonbury! Yes, that's right. Courtesy of the Mighty Dan, I ended up
at Glastonbury 2000! We both had a great time (despite taking 6 hours to drive 1
mile entering the festival! We both saw the funny side) and I hope to get the
photos online soon! Thermite also went (although sadly we didn't meet up due to
going at the very last minute) so hopefully he'll also do a review.

I know that you need a 1024 screenmode to read this but look on the bright side,
pictures look a lot clearer and more text can be organised and squeezed onto
the screen! You'll also notice that there are no frames anymore. It wasn't needed
as you can click the coagulus logo to return to the main index at all times! Most
browsers these days have 'back' buttons so it really wasn't necessary to have them.
They took too much space up from the site.

I hope some of you out there will send me either stuff to review or articles that you
yourselves have written. My fingers are getting very tired! They are so cheesed
off with constant typing that they've formed a union for better conditions. SO, er,
anyway... Welcome back and I'll speak again later. I hope!