Up to 27th August 2012
Well, first of all I'd better make an apology for the lack of
updates in over 5 and a half years! It's been an eventful few
years but things are settling down again. I think it's time to
resurrect this site as my creative juice is starting to flow
finally again. The format will stay the same, I was going to
switch to PHP for easier editing but old-horse new tricks etc...
Coagulus Software!
Is back with a vengeance and is the main reason for me
resurrecting the site. Jethunt has been worked on for the last
few (20!) years and is completed. Not bad considering I envisaged
it in 1992! Oops. Hopefully the sequel wont take so long! I'm
going to post the notes I made while writing it as a sort of
diary of its creation.
My 'Blog'
Blimey, where do I start? I'll keep it brief!
Well I now live and work in Cardiff. It was a pretty big upheaval for me considering I'd lived in Cwmbran all of my life but the jobs simply weren't there. Thanks to Lauren who got me the job where I am now. I now live in a shared house with 3 friends (Hi Sazie, Jojo, Matt, Martin, Gareth and Kim!) which is infinitely better than when I lived on my own despite the odd "who didn't clean the shower/kitchen etc" rows! ;-)
I have made some new friends since moving to Cardiff though which is good, I do miss my other friends though, it's quite rare for most friends to visit me here in cardiff be it friends or family. And with living so far away it's rare to visit them too. There is a core of friends though which haven't deserted me and I'm extremely grateful to those! And I still visit my mum, sis, broinlaw and nephew in Cwmbran. On that note...
My dad died tragically and suddenly October two years ago. This knocked me for six and I think it did take me a while to recover. I never cried which confused me for sometime because I was certainly upset. The man was (and always will be) a legend. Wishing all the family my best wishes for the future of course.
What else has happened then........ this could be a large update
No more Demon Orgy
At least not with me in it, I was gone shortly after my last
update, so that was that. I was in a band called Urko afterwards
briefly but that went too when I moved to Cardiff. Not been in
any bands since and only occasionally done Karaoke even, this
could be the end of my Rock Star "career"!
Congratulations to Em + Dan (Panthur of Coagulus Software)
and Owain (of Bismuth and Toxic Cocktail) + Tanya who both had
weddings in the last 5 years. I attended both and had a great
I went to the last 4 Bloodstock Open Air festivals and hope
to post reviews eventually! I also went to the last Monsters of
Rock in Milton Keynes. Again this may eventually see a review if
I can remember that far back! Although you know how long I take
to write stuff. Speaking of which...
As mentioned above, It's only bloody finished! The 20 year white
elephant which is my HERO tribute called JetHunt
is finally finished. And it's bloody hard too. Should be quite a
challenge to complete. I can't do it! Head over to the software
section for the lowdown and download links. Still thinking of
doing the Amiga version.....
Right, that's another one
out of the way.... Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!