Coagulus himself takes the regular mantle from the mighty Thermite's early offerings and offers you what he considers to be a classic from his collection. Coagulus tells you a thing or two about Megadeths So Far, So Good... So What!. Indeed, so off we go...
  Album of the month.

MEGADETH -So Far So Good... So What!

Released in 1987/88 by Capitol Records

Lineup at time:
Dave Mustaine - LeadVocals, Lead Rythm and Acoustic Guitars
David Ellefson - Bass Guitars and Back-up Vocals
Jeff Young - Lead, Rhythm & Acoustic Guitars
Chuck Behler - Drums & Percussion

Recorded at - Music Grinder, Los Angeles, CA
Mixed at - The Enterprise, North Hollywood, CA
Mastered by - Stephen Marcussen at Precision Lacquer, Hollywood, CA

Track list:
1.Into The Lungs Of Hell
2.Set The World Afire
3.Anarchy In The UK
- (although he actually sings ' the USA'. It rhymes, so we'll let him off!)
4.Mary Jane
6.In My Darkest Hour

8.Hook In Mouth (containing one of the alltime great headbanging riffs!)

Probably the first Megadeth track I heard was Hanger 18 on Top of the Pops and it was incredible. Well, that track isn't on this album but the reason I mentioned it is because shortly afterwards I bought this album for next to nothing at a car boot sale. And what an album it was, and still is.

Megadeth are of course still releasing albums. Cryptic writings (a vastly underrated album in my opinion) came out last year and new album Risk is out now. These are no where near as anarchic and chaotic as the tracks on this album which are fast, brash, loud and raw. That doesn't of course mean that there wasn't a huge amount of talent and originality on display, with the exception in the originality stakes by the inclusion of a very good cover of the Sex Pistols classic Anarchy In The UK.

Opening with an instrumental, Into The Lungs of Hell sums up the experience to a tee. You really are entering Megadeth's own warped world. Each track is instantly recognisable even in the current saturation levels of blind 'metal' riffage. Set the World Afire shows a sense of humour and a slight tongue-in-cheek-ness which makes the album all the more interesting. In My Darkest Hour is, of course, one of Megadeths most famous, and finest, moments combining all that is and was metal into one neat package. Angst, rage, madness, death, and reality all in one disc-shaped package.

With excellent playing and Mustaines unique, crazy but great vocals. This album is certainly deserved of the monicker 'classic'.

Give it a listen.

Coagulus / Rob