For some reason. Rob was typing and decided to go a bit strange. Oh well, I guess that's what playing computer games and listening to heavy metal does to you... | |
Fred the cat is a
lazy dog who bites his antennae with his hand and
scratches his undergarments with his beak. Contained
snugly within his layers of trifle is an armadillo
seeking shelter from the blazing moonlight. Rain pours
upward from dry riverbeds while the fish look
inquisitively at their pocket calculators. The snow causes slippery conditions especially if your car has no wheels, only carrier bags with stones in. The people who talk to each other while stood upright facing the floor may have grasped communication skills but do they know what side of the coin they are stood on? Or what colour mud is when stuck to air. Looking into the sky the clouds turn an angry blue and then spew molten lava all over the pedestrians trying to cross the Grand Canyon with a stick and a bowl of fruit. This causes them to jump up and down and because of this the fruit decides to start a revolution on the television. Which hurts as the television had done no wrong. Nor had it's friend the Rhinoceros (the one with the bread). |
Sorry about that folks!