
This is where I tell you 'orrible lot about the time I've had since the last update.
Hopefully there'll be lots of updates although my typing fingers won't like me!

Crikey! I still haven't moved. Or in real life! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UP TO 31 AUGUST 2000
Not much has happened apart from I had to replace a fan in my PC. It was over-
heating! This explained why I couldn't leave the darn machine on for long before
it died. All credit to AMD for the K6-2 which, despite being literally fried every
day, is still going! Thank goodness!

Happy birthday to my nephew Josh, who has reached the ripe old age of three!
It's OK for some isn't it!

As for the music, not much again due to above problems. I have backed every-
thing up and will be continuing it. My current priority is to get a job though. I have
reached the "God I'm bored, so bored I can't do anything" stage so I need work!
Of course, the cash would be handy as well you know!

once again, my canvas is filled, my food has been digested and the sun has set.
It must mean something? Oh yes, the end of this times article! Byeee.....



Up to 17 August 2000
Up to 11 August 2000
Up to 2 August 2000
Up to 6 July 2000